Semangkuk Bijirin

Ingin berkongsi ilmu, pengalaman dan pendapat...



alhamdulillah,dah berjaya deliver seorang bayi ke dunia yang fana ini.hehe.pengalaman yg amat menggelabahkan@sinchan .takut abes memula tu.terketar2 tangan.sib bek doc yg ajo tu bek.but i missed one important thing.i forgot to take the placental blood sample fo G6PD test.huaaaa.xde org gtau pon.nak marah la pape pon alhamdulillah sume berjalan ngn lancar.baru 1,kn wat lg sempat.ceit.

7 komentar:

Emm aku cuma tahu satu perkara pasal G6PD...tak boleh makan kacang parang..emmm.


bkn stkt kacang parang je.ade byk lg mende len xleh mkn.contohnye macam....erm....aku lupe...keh3x


pastu, camne?kene marah ke?


ehem...mesti la x..hehe..student kan...tau apa?huhu


ehhh...just realized that i missed this post!! congrats on ur 1st delivery...sakit tak?? tgh pantang la ni ye?? sabar2 la dulu, tunggu hbs pantang br deliver baby no.2, apatah lg yg lain2. maybe you can give me some labour tips bila my turn nnt. hahaha!


i have a very good and the most useful tip for all of u future mothers out there,especially u kinah...PUSSSSHHHHH!!!!!haha


ek eleh...aku tgk movie pun dh tau dh tu. hehe. tak pe la...all the best for ur next deliveries kay! jgn lupe pape dh! :-P