The more I think, the more I got confused. The deeper I dig, the further I am swept away. Yes it is hard sometimes in life, but I have to see the bright side. I will try as hard to see with my open heart, though always I cannot see the light. I'm not as good as you think I am, but I know I'll try to become better. All of my efforts seemed not to be appreciated, I wonder where did it went wrong. I think more and more, putting extra tonnes of efforts and pressures, at last I got the answers. The thing that went wrong, would make me easily fall. My intention is good, but the method is wrong, I need to fix it fast. I know you know, and you know I know, but how come this thing still can happened. Maybe it is all because I have been blinded by the world, that cost me the loss of my senses. I hope it is not too late to start it all over again. I pray to The Almighty, please forgive all my sins, and keep me with those in Jannah. And show the path that would bring me to Your light, so that I will not lost again. And bless my friend who had been there all the time, and put him also in Jannah. Give us happiness and peacefulness all the time, until we meet in Jannah.
Bahagia itu dari dalam diri
Kesannya zahir rupanya maknawi
Terpendam bagai permata di dasar hati
Bahagia itu ada pada hati
Bertakhta di kerajaan diri
Terbenam bagai mutiara di lautan nurani
Bahagia itu ada di jiwa
Mahkota di singgahsana rasa
Bahagia itu adalah suatu ketenangan
Bila susah tiada gelisah
Bila miskin syukur pada Tuhan
Bila sakit tiada resah di jiwa
Bukankah Tuhan telah berfirman
Ketahuilah dengan mengingati Allah
Jiwa kan menjadi tenang
C/O :
Kebahagiaan itu suatu kesyukuran
Bila kaya jadi insan pemurah
Bila berkuasa amanah
Bila berjaya tidak alpa
Bila sihat tidak lupakan Tuhan
Hakikatnya bahagia itu
Adalah ketenangan
Bila hati mengingati Tuhan
Semua insan kan mengerti
Maksud terseni Ilahi
Itulah zikir yang hakiki